Our monthly membership meetings occur on the third or fourth Monday of each month, except for November and December.  In November we typically hold our annual, judged image competition and in December we hold an annual holiday party.  Check the calendar for changes to our schedule as some months may be different.  Contact any board member to verify events and locations.

Membership meetings are workshops are primarily held at:

Precision Camera and Video

2438 West Anderson Lane, Suite B-4

Austin, TX 78757

Some events are held at member studios or other venues around Austin.  Check event descriptions to verify locations.

Inquiries may be sent to info@austinppa.com or any board member.

Mailing Address:

Austin PPA

PO Box 10836

Austin, TX 78766

Professional Photographers of America at the national level offers extensive training, business templates and equipment insurance included in your membership. 

Click here to join the national PPA

Contact our Membership Director to be added to this members only Facebook group where members can share business leads and ask for help.


PO Box 10836, Austin, TX, 78766

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